matgl.utils package
Implementation of various utility methods and classes.
matgl.utils.cutoff module
Cutoff functions for constructing M3GNet potentials.
matgl.utils.cutoff.cosine_cutoff(r: Tensor, cutoff: float)
Cosine cutoff function :param r: radius distance tensor :type r: torch.Tensor :param cutoff: cutoff distance. :type cutoff: float
Returns: cosine cutoff functions
matgl.utils.cutoff.polynomial_cutoff(r: Tensor, cutoff: float, exponent: int = 3)
Envelope polynomial function that ensures a smooth cutoff.
- Ensures first and second derivative vanish at cuttoff. As described in:
- Parameters:
- r (torch.Tensor) – radius distance tensor
- cutoff (float) – cutoff distance.
- exponent (int) – minimum exponent of the polynomial. Default is 3. The polynomial includes terms of order exponent, exponent + 1, exponent + 2.
Returns: polynomial cutoff function module
Provides utilities for managing models and data.
Bases: object
Mixin class for model saving and loading.
For proper usage, models should subclass nn.Module and IOMix and the save_args method should be called immediately after the super()._init_() call:
self.save_args(locals(), kwargs)
classmethod load(path: str | Path | dict, **kwargs)
Load the model weights from a directory.
- Parameters:
path (str* path *dict) –
Path to saved model or name of pre-trained model. If it is a dict, it is assumed to be of the form:
"": path to file,
"": path to state file,
"model.json": path to model.json file
Otherwise, the search order is path, followed by download from PRETRAINED_MODELS_BASE_URL (with caching).
* **\*\*kwargs** – Additional kwargs passed to RemoteFile class. E.g., a useful one might be force_download if you
want to update the model.
Returns: model_object.
save(path: str | Path = ‘.’, metadata: dict | None = None, makedirs: bool = True)
Save model to a directory.
Three files will be saved.
- path/, which contains the torch serialized model args.
- path/, which contains the saved state_dict from the model.
- path/model.json, a txt version of that is purely meant for ease of reference.
- Parameters:
- path – String or Path object to directory for model saving. Defaults to current working directory (“.”).
- metadata – Any additional metadata to be saved into the model.json file. For example, a good use would be a description of model purpose, the training set used, etc.
- makedirs – Whether to create the directory using os.makedirs(exist_ok=True). Note that if the directory already exists, makedirs will not do anything.
save_args(locals: dict, kwargs: dict | None = None)
Method to save args into a private _init_args variable.
This should be called after super in the init method, e.g., self.save_args(locals(), kwargs).
- Parameters:
- locals – The result of locals().
- kwargs – kwargs passed to the class.
class str, cache_location: str | Path = PosixPath(‘/Users/shyue/.cache/matgl’), force_download: bool = False)
Bases: object
Handling of download of remote files to a local cache.
- Parameters:
- uri – Uniform resource identifier.
- cache_location – Directory to cache downloaded RemoteFile. By default, downloaded models are saved at
- $HOME/.matgl. –
- force_download – To speed up access, a model with the same name in the cache location will be used if
- re-download (present. If you want to force a) –
- True. (set this to) –
Checks Github for available pretrained_models for download. These can be used with load_model.
- Returns: List of available models. Path, **kwargs)
Convenience method to load a model from a directory or name.
- Parameters:
- path (str*|*path) – Path to saved model or name of pre-trained model. The search order is path, followed by download from PRETRAINED_MODELS_BASE_URL (with caching).
- **kwargs – Additional kwargs passed to RemoteFile class. E.g., a useful one might be force_download if you want to update the model.
- Returns: model_object if include_json is false. (model_object, dict) if include_json is True.
- Return type: Returns
matgl.utils.maths module
Implementations of math functions.
matgl.utils.maths.broadcast(input_tensor: Tensor, target_tensor: Tensor, dim: int)
Broadcast input tensor along a given dimension to match the shape of the target tensor. Modified from torch_scatter library (
- Parameters:
- input_tensor – The tensor to broadcast.
- target_tensor – The tensor whose shape to match.
- dim – The dimension along which to broadcast.
- Returns: resulting input tensor after broadcasting
matgl.utils.maths.broadcast_states_to_atoms(g, state_feat)
Broadcast state attributes of shape [Ns, Nstate] to bond attributes shape [Nb, Nstate].
- Parameters:
- g – DGL graph
- state_feat – state_feature
Returns: broadcasted state attributes
matgl.utils.maths.broadcast_states_to_bonds(g, state_feat)
Broadcast state attributes of shape [Ns, Nstate] to bond attributes shape [Nb, Nstate].
- Parameters:
- g – DGL graph
- state_feat – state_feature
Returns: broadcasted state attributes
Give ns = [2, 3], return [0, 1, 0, 1, 2].
- Parameters: ns – torch.Tensor, the number of atoms/bonds array
Returns: range indices
Get segment indices from number array. For example if ns = [2, 3], then the function will return [0, 0, 1, 1, 1].
- Parameters: ns – torch.Tensor, the number of atoms/bonds array
- Return type: object
Returns: segment indices tensor
matgl.utils.maths.repeat_with_n(ns, n)
Repeat the first dimension according to n array.
- Parameters:
- ns (torch.tensor) – tensor
- n (torch.tensor) – a list of replications
Returns: repeated tensor
matgl.utils.maths.scatter_sum(input_tensor: Tensor, segment_ids: Tensor, num_segments: int, dim: int)
Scatter sum operation along the specified dimension. Modified from the torch_scatter library (
- Parameters:
- input_tensor (torch.Tensor) – The input tensor to be scattered.
- segment_ids (torch.Tensor) – Segment ID for each element in the input tensor.
- num_segments (int) – The number of segments.
- dim (int) – The dimension along which the scatter sum operation is performed (default: -1).
- Returns: resulting tensor
matgl.utils.maths.spherical_bessel_roots(max_l: int, max_n: int)
Calculate the spherical Bessel roots. The n-th root of the l-th spherical bessel function is the [l, n] entry of the return matrix. The calculation is based on the fact that the n-root for l-th spherical Bessel function j_l, i.e., z_{j, n} is in the range [z_{j-1,n}, z_{j-1, n+1}]. On the other hand we know precisely the roots for j0, i.e., sinc(x).
- Parameters:
- max_l – max order of spherical bessel function
- max_n – max number of roots
Returns: root matrix of size [max_l, max_n]
matgl.utils.maths.unsorted_segment_fraction(data: Tensor, segment_ids: Tensor, num_segments: int)
Segment fraction :param data: original data :type data: torch.tensor :param segment_ids: segment ids :type segment_ids: torch.tensor :param num_segments: number of segments :type num_segments: int
- Returns: data after fraction.
- Return type: data (torch.tensor) module
Utils for training MatGL models.
Bases: object
Mix-in class implementing common functions for training.
Configure optimizers.
on_test_model_eval(*args, **kwargs)
Executed on model testing.
- Parameters:
- *args – Pass-through
- **kwargs – Pass-through.
Step scheduler every epoch.
predict_step(batch, batch_idx, dataloader_idx=0)
Prediction step.
- Parameters:
- batch – Data batch.
- batch_idx – Batch index.
- dataloader_idx – Data loader index.
- Returns: Prediction
test_step(batch: tuple, batch_idx: int)
Test step.
- Parameters:
- batch – Data batch.
- batch_idx – Batch index.
training_step(batch: tuple, batch_idx: int)
Training step.
- Parameters:
- batch – Data batch.
- batch_idx – Batch index.
- Returns: Total loss.
validation_step(batch: tuple, batch_idx: int)
Validation step.
- Parameters:
- batch – Data batch.
- batch_idx – Batch index.
class, data_mean=None, data_std=None, loss: str = ‘mse_loss’, optimizer: Optimizer | None = None, scheduler=None, lr: float = 0.001, decay_steps: int = 1000, decay_alpha: float = 0.01, **kwargs)
Bases: MatglLightningModuleMixin
, LightningModule
A PyTorch.LightningModule for training MEGNet and M3GNet models.
Init ModelLightningModule with key parameters.
- Parameters:
- model – Which type of the model for training
- data_mean – average of training data
- data_std – standard deviation of training data
- loss – loss function used for training
- optimizer – optimizer for training
- scheduler – scheduler for training
- lr – learning rate for training
- decay_steps – number of steps for decaying learning rate
- decay_alpha – parameter determines the minimum learning rate.
- **kwargs – Passthrough to parent init.
forward(g: dgl.DGLGraph, l_g: dgl.DGLGraph | None = None, state_attr: torch.Tensor | None = None)
- Parameters:
- g – dgl Graph
- l_g – Line graph
- state_attr – State attribute.
- Returns: Model prediction.
loss_fn(loss: Module, labels: Tensor, preds: Tensor)
- Parameters:
- loss – Loss function.
- labels – Labels to compute the loss.
- preds – Predictions.
- Returns: total_loss, “MAE”: mae, “RMSE”: rmse}
- Return type: {“Total_Loss”
step(batch: tuple)
- Parameters: batch – Batch of training data.
- Returns: results, batch_size
class, element_refs: np.ndarray | None = None, energy_weight: float = 1.0, force_weight: float = 1.0, stress_weight: float | None = None, site_wise_weight: float | None = None, data_mean=None, data_std=None, calc_stress: bool = False, loss: str = ‘mse_loss’, optimizer: Optimizer | None = None, scheduler=None, lr: float = 0.001, decay_steps: int = 1000, decay_alpha: float = 0.01, **kwargs)
Bases: MatglLightningModuleMixin
, LightningModule
A PyTorch.LightningModule for training MatGL potentials.
This is slightly different from the ModelLightningModel due to the need to account for energy, forces and stress losses.
Init PotentialLightningModule with key parameters.
- Parameters:
- model – Which type of the model for training
- element_refs – element offset for PES
- energy_weight – relative importance of energy
- force_weight – relative importance of force
- stress_weight – relative importance of stress
- site_wise_weight – relative importance of additional site-wise predictions.
- data_mean – average of training data
- data_std – standard deviation of training data
- calc_stress – whether stress calculation is required
- loss – loss function used for training
- optimizer – optimizer for training
- scheduler – scheduler for training
- lr – learning rate for training
- decay_steps – number of steps for decaying learning rate
- decay_alpha – parameter determines the minimum learning rate.
- **kwargs – Passthrough to parent init.
forward(g: dgl.DGLGraph, l_g: dgl.DGLGraph | None = None, state_attr: torch.Tensor | None = None)
- Parameters:
- g – dgl Graph
- l_g – Line graph
- state_attr – State attr.
- Returns: energy, force, stress, h
loss_fn(loss: Module, labels: tuple, preds: tuple, energy_weight: float | None = None, force_weight: float | None = None, stress_weight: float | None = None, site_wise_weight: float | None = None, num_atoms: int | None = None)
Compute losses for EFS.
- Parameters:
- loss – Loss function.
- labels – Labels.
- preds – Predictions
- energy_weight – Weight for energy loss.
- force_weight – Weight for force loss.
- stress_weight – Weight for stress loss.
- site_wise_weight – Weight for site-wise loss.
- num_atoms – Number of atoms.
"Total_Loss": total_loss,
"Energy_MAE": e_mae,
"Force_MAE": f_mae,
"Stress_MAE": s_mae,
"Energy_RMSE": e_rmse,
"Force_RMSE": f_rmse,
"Stress_RMSE": s_rmse,
step(batch: tuple)
- Parameters: batch – Batch of training data.
- Returns: results, batch_size Module)
Xavier initialization scheme for the model.
- Parameters: model (nn.Module) – The model to be Xavier-initialized.