matgl.layers package

This package implements the layers for M*GNet.

matgl.layers._activations module

Custom activation functions.

class matgl.layers._activations.ActivationFunction(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)

Bases: Enum

Enumeration of optional activation functions.

sigmoid = <class ‘torch.nn.modules.activation.Sigmoid’>

softexp = <class ‘matgl.layers._activations.SoftExponential’>

softplus = <class ‘torch.nn.modules.activation.Softplus’>

softplus2 = <class ‘matgl.layers._activations.SoftPlus2’>

swish = <class ‘torch.nn.modules.activation.SiLU’>

tanh = <class ‘torch.nn.modules.activation.Tanh’>

class matgl.layers._activations.SoftExponential(alpha: float | None = None)

Bases: Module

Soft exponential activation. When x < 0, SoftExponential(x,alpha) = -log(1-alpha(x+alpha))/alpha When x = 0, SoftExponential(x,alpha) = 0 When x > 0, SoftExponential(x,alpha) = (exp(alpha*x)-1)/alpha + alpha.


Init SoftExponential with alpha value.

  • Parameters: alpha (float) – adjustable Torch parameter during the training.

forward(x: Tensor)

Evaluate activation function given the input tensor x.

  • Parameters: x (torch.tensor) – Input tensor
  • Returns: Output tensor
  • Return type: out (torch.tensor)

class matgl.layers._activations.SoftPlus2

Bases: Module

SoftPlus2 activation function: out = log(exp(x)+1) - log(2) softplus function that is 0 at x=0, the implementation aims at avoiding overflow.

Initializes the SoftPlus2 class.

forward(x: Tensor)

Evaluate activation function given the input tensor x.

  • Parameters: x (torch.tensor) – Input tensor
  • Returns: Output tensor
  • Return type: out (torch.tensor)

matgl.layers._atom_ref module

Atomic energy offset. Used for predicting extensive properties.

class matgl.layers._atom_ref.AtomRef(property_offset: array)

Bases: Module

Get total property offset for a system.

  • Parameters: property_offset (np.array) – a array of elemental property offset.

fit(graphs: list, properties: np.typing.NDArray)

Fit the elemental reference values for the properties.

  • Parameters:
    • graphs – dgl graphs
    • properties (np.ndarray) – array of extensive properties

forward(g: DGLGraph, state_attr: Tensor | None = None)

Get the total property offset for a system.

  • Parameters:
    • g – a batch of dgl graphs
    • state_attr – state attributes
  • Returns: offset_per_graph

get_feature_matrix(graphs: list)

Get the number of atoms for different elements in the structure.

  • Parameters: graphs (list) – a list of dgl graph
  • Returns: a matrix (num_structures, num_elements)
  • Return type: features (np.array)

matgl.layers._basis module

class matgl.layers._basis.FourierExpansion(max_f: int = 5, interval: float = 3.141592653589793, scale_factor: float = 1.0, learnable: bool = False)

Bases: Module

Fourier Expansion of a (periodic) scalar feature.

Args: max_f (int): the maximum frequency of the Fourier expansion.

Default = 5
interval (float): the interval of the Fourier expansion, such that functions
are orthonormal over [-interval, interval]. Default = pi
scale_factor (float): pre-factor to scale all values.
learnable (bool): whether to set the frequencies as learnable parameters Default = False.

forward(x: Tensor)

Expand x into cos and sin functions.

class matgl.layers._basis.GaussianExpansion(initial: float = 0.0, final: float = 4.0, num_centers: int = 20, width: None | float = 0.5)

Bases: Module

Gaussian Radial Expansion.

The bond distance is expanded to a vector of shape [m], where m is the number of Gaussian basis centers.

  • Parameters:
    • initial – Location of initial Gaussian basis center.
    • final – Location of final Gaussian basis center
    • num_centers – Number of Gaussian Basis functions
    • width – Width of Gaussian Basis functions.


Expand distances.

  • Parameters: bond_dists – Bond (edge) distances between two atoms (nodes)
  • Returns: A vector of expanded distance with shape [num_centers]


Reinitialize model parameters.

class matgl.layers._basis.RadialBesselFunction(max_n: int, cutoff: float, learnable: bool = False)

Bases: Module

Zeroth order bessel function of the first kind.

Implements the proposed 1D radial basis function in terms of zeroth order bessel function of the first kind with increasing number of roots and a given cutoff.

Details are given in:

This is equivalent to SphericalBesselFunction class with max_l=1, i.e. only l=0 bessel functions), but with optional learnable frequencies.

  • Parameters:
    • max_n – int, max number of roots (including max_n)
    • cutoff – float, cutoff radius
    • learnable – bool, whether to learn the location of roots.

forward(r: Tensor)

Defines the computation performed at every call.

Should be overridden by all subclasses.


Although the recipe for forward pass needs to be defined within this function, one should call the Module instance afterwards instead of this since the former takes care of running the registered hooks while the latter silently ignores them.

class matgl.layers._basis.SphericalBesselFunction(max_l: int, max_n: int = 5, cutoff: float = 5.0, smooth: bool = False)

Bases: object

Calculate the spherical Bessel function based on sympy + pytorch implementations.

Args: max_l: int, max order (excluding l) max_n: int, max number of roots used in each l cutoff: float, cutoff radius smooth: Whether to smooth the function.

static rbf_j0(r, cutoff: float = 5.0, max_n: int = 3)

Spherical Bessel function of order 0, ensuring the function value vanishes at cutoff.

  • Parameters:
    • r – torch.Tensor pytorch tensors
    • cutoff – float, the cutoff radius
    • max_n – int max number of basis
  • Returns: basis function expansion using first spherical Bessel function

class matgl.layers._basis.SphericalBesselWithHarmonics(max_n: int, max_l: int, cutoff: float, use_smooth: bool, use_phi: bool)

Bases: Module

Expansion of basis using Spherical Bessel and Harmonics.

Init SphericalBesselWithHarmonics.

  • Parameters:
    • max_n – Degree of radial basis functions.
    • max_l – Degree of angular basis functions.
    • cutoff – Cutoff sphere.
    • use_smooth – Whether using smooth version of SBFs or not.
    • use_phi – Using phi as angular basis functions.


Defines the computation performed at every call.

Should be overridden by all subclasses.


Although the recipe for forward pass needs to be defined within this function, one should call the Module instance afterwards instead of this since the former takes care of running the registered hooks while the latter silently ignores them.

class matgl.layers._basis.SphericalHarmonicsFunction(max_l: int, use_phi: bool = True)

Bases: object

Spherical Harmonics function.

  • Parameters:
    • max_l – int, max l (excluding l)
    • use_phi – bool, whether to use the polar angle. If not,
    • Y_l^0. (the function will compute) –

matgl.layers._basis.spherical_bessel_smooth(r, cutoff: float = 5.0, max_n: int = 10)

This is an orthogonal basis with first and second derivative at the cutoff equals to zero. The function was derived from the order 0 spherical Bessel function, and was expanded by the different zero roots.

  • Parameters:
    • r – torch.Tensor distance tensor
    • cutoff – float, cutoff radius
    • max_n – int, max number of basis, expanded by the zero roots

Returns: expanded spherical harmonics with derivatives smooth at boundary

matgl.layers._bond module

Generate bond features based on spherical bessel functions or gaussian expansion.

class matgl.layers._bond.BondExpansion(max_l: int = 3, max_n: int = 3, cutoff: float = 5.0, rbf_type: str = ‘SphericalBessel’, smooth: bool = False, initial: float = 0.0, final: float = 5.0, num_centers: int = 100, width: float = 0.5)

Bases: Module

Expand pair distances into a set of spherical bessel or gaussian functions.

  • Parameters:
    • max_l (int) – order of angular part
    • max_n (int) – order of radial part
    • cutoff (float) – cutoff radius
    • rbf_type (str) – type of radial basis function .i.e. either “SphericalBessel” or ‘Gaussian’
    • smooth (bool) – whether apply the smooth version of spherical bessel functions or not
    • initial (float) – initial point for gaussian expansion
    • final (float) – final point for gaussian expansion
    • num_centers (int) – Number of centers for gaussian expansion.
    • width (float) – width of gaussian function.

forward(bond_dist: Tensor)


Args: bond_dist: Bond distance

Return: bond_basis: Radial basis functions

matgl.layers._core module

Implementations of multi-layer perceptron (MLP) and other helper classes.

class matgl.layers._core.EdgeSet2Set(input_dim: int, n_iters: int, n_layers: int)

Bases: Module

Implementation of Set2Set.

  • Parameters:
    • input_dim – The size of each input sample.
    • n_iters – The number of iterations.
    • n_layers – The number of recurrent layers.

forward(g: DGLGraph, feat: Tensor)

Defines the computation performed at every call.

  • Parameters:
    • g – Input graph
    • feat – Input features.
  • Returns: One hot vector


Reinitialize learnable parameters.

class matgl.layers._core.GatedMLP(in_feats: int, dims: list[int], activate_last: bool = True, use_bias: bool = True)

Bases: Module

An implementation of a Gated multi-layer perceptron.

  • Parameters:
    • in_feats – Dimension of input features.
    • dims – Architecture of neural networks.
    • activate_last – Whether applying activation to last layer or not.
    • bias_last – Whether applying bias to last layer or not.

forward(inputs: Tensor)

Defines the computation performed at every call.

Should be overridden by all subclasses.


Although the recipe for forward pass needs to be defined within this function, one should call the Module instance afterwards instead of this since the former takes care of running the registered hooks while the latter silently ignores them.

class matgl.layers._core.MLP(dims: list[int], activation: Callable[[Tensor], Tensor] | None = None, activate_last: bool = False, bias_last: bool = True)

Bases: Module

An implementation of a multi-layer perceptron.

  • Parameters:
    • dims – Dimensions of each layer of MLP.
    • activation – Activation function.
    • activate_last – Whether to apply activation to last layer.
    • bias_last – Whether to apply bias to last layer.

property depth*: int*

Returns depth of MLP.


Applies all layers in turn.

  • Parameters: inputs – Input tensor
  • Returns: Output tensor

property in_features*: int*

Return input features of MLP.

property last_linear*: Linear | None*

The last linear layer.

  • Type: return

property out_features*: int*

Returns output features of MLP.

matgl.layers._embedding module

Embedding node, edge and optional state attributes.

class matgl.layers._embedding.EmbeddingBlock(degree_rbf: int, activation: Module, dim_node_embedding: int, dim_edge_embedding: int | None = None, dim_state_feats: int | None = None, ntypes_node: int | None = None, include_state: bool = False, ntypes_state: int | None = None, dim_state_embedding: int | None = None)

Bases: Module

Embedding block for generating node, bond and state features.

  • Parameters:
    • degree_rbf (int) – number of rbf
    • activation (nn.Module) – activation type
    • dim_node_embedding (int) – dimensionality of node features
    • dim_edge_embedding (int) – dimensionality of edge features
    • dim_state_feats – dimensionality of state features
    • ntypes_node – number of node labels
    • include_state – Whether to include state embedding
    • ntypes_state – number of state labels
    • dim_state_embedding – dimensionality of state embedding.

forward(node_attr, edge_attr, state_attr)

Output embedded features.

  • Parameters:
    • node_attr – node attribute
    • edge_attr – edge attribute
    • state_attr – state attribute
  • Returns: embedded node features edge_feat: embedded edge features state_feat: embedded state features
  • Return type: node_feat

matgl.layers._graph_convolution module

Graph convolution layer (GCL) implementations.

class matgl.layers._graph_convolution.M3GNetBlock(degree: int, activation: Module, conv_hiddens: list[int], num_node_feats: int, num_edge_feats: int, num_state_feats: int | None = None, include_state: bool = False, dropout: float | None = None)

Bases: Module

A M3GNet block comprising a sequence of update operations.

  • Parameters:
    • degree – Dimension of radial basis functions
    • num_node_feats – Number of node features
    • num_edge_feats – Number of edge features
    • num_state_feats – Number of state features
    • conv_hiddens – Dimension of hidden layers
    • activation – Activation type
    • include_state – Including state features or not
    • dropout – Probability of an element to be zero in dropout layer

forward(graph: DGLGraph, edge_feat: Tensor, node_feat: Tensor, state_feat: Tensor)

  • Parameters:
    • graph – DGL graph
    • edge_feat – Edge features
    • node_feat – Node features
    • state_attr – State features
  • Returns: A tuple of updated features

class matgl.layers._graph_convolution.M3GNetGraphConv(include_states: bool, edge_update_func: Module, edge_weight_func: Module, node_update_func: Module, node_weight_func: Module, state_update_func: Module | None)

Bases: Module

A M3GNet graph convolution layer in DGL.

Parameters: include_state (bool): Whether including state edge_update_func (Module): Update function for edges (Eq. 4) edge_weight_func (Module): Weight function for radial basis functions (Eq. 4) node_update_func (Module): Update function for nodes (Eq. 5) node_weight_func (Module): Weight function for radial basis functions (Eq. 5) attr_update_func (Module): Update function for state feats (Eq. 6).

edge_update_(graph: DGLGraph)

Perform edge update.

Args: graph: DGL graph

Returns: edge_update: edge features update

forward(graph: DGLGraph, edge_feat: Tensor, node_feat: Tensor, state_attr: Tensor)

Perform sequence of edge->node->states updates.

  • Parameters:
    • graph – Input graph
    • edge_feat – Edge features
    • node_feat – Node features
    • state_attr – Graph attributes (global state)
  • Returns: (edge features, node features, graph attributes)

static from_dims(degree, include_states, edge_dims: list[int], node_dims: list[int], state_dims: list[int] | None, activation: Module)

M3GNetGraphConv initialization.

  • Parameters:
    • degree (int) – max_n*max_l
    • include_states (bool) – whether including state or not
    • edge_dims (list) – NN architecture for edge update function
    • node_dims (list) – NN architecture for node update function
    • state_dims (list) – NN architecture for state update function
    • activation (nn.Nodule) – activation function

Returns: M3GNetGraphConv (class)

node_update_(graph: DGLGraph, state_attr: Tensor)

Perform node update.

  • Parameters:
    • graph – DGL graph
    • state_attr – State attributes
  • Returns: node features update
  • Return type: node_update

state_update_(graph: DGLGraph, state_attrs: Tensor)

Perform attribute (global state) update.

  • Parameters:
    • graph – DGL graph
    • state_attrs – graph features

Returns: state_update: state_features update

class matgl.layers._graph_convolution.MEGNetBlock(dims: list[int], conv_hiddens: list[int], act: Module, dropout: float | None = None, skip: bool = True)

Bases: Module

A MEGNet block comprising a sequence of update operations.

Init the MEGNet block with key parameters.

  • Parameters:
    • dims – Dimension of dense layers before graph convolution.
    • conv_hiddens – Architecture of hidden layers of graph convolution.
    • act – Activation type.
    • dropout – Randomly zeroes some elements in the input tensor with given probability (0 < x < 1) according to a Bernoulli distribution.
    • skip – Residual block.

forward(graph: DGLGraph, edge_feat: Tensor, node_feat: Tensor, state_attr: Tensor)

MEGNetBlock forward pass.

  • Parameters:
    • graph (dgl.DGLGraph) – A DGLGraph.
    • edge_feat (Tensor) – Edge features.
    • node_feat (Tensor) – Node features.
    • state_attr (Tensor) – Graph attributes (global state).
  • Returns:
    Updated (edge features,
    node features, graph attributes)
  • Return type: tuple[Tensor, Tensor, Tensor]

class matgl.layers._graph_convolution.MEGNetGraphConv(edge_func: Module, node_func: Module, state_func: Module)

Bases: Module

A MEGNet graph convolution layer in DGL.

  • Parameters:
    • edge_func – Edge update function.
    • node_func – Node update function.
    • state_func – Global state update function.

edge_update_(graph: DGLGraph)

Perform edge update.

  • Parameters: graph – Input graph
  • Returns: Output tensor for edges.

forward(graph: DGLGraph, edge_feat: Tensor, node_feat: Tensor, state_attr: Tensor)

Perform sequence of edge->node->attribute updates.

  • Parameters:
    • graph – Input graph
    • edge_feat – Edge features
    • node_feat – Node features
    • state_attr – Graph attributes (global state)
  • Returns: (edge features, node features, graph attributes)

static from_dims(edge_dims: list[int], node_dims: list[int], state_dims: list[int], activation: Module)

Create a MEGNet graph convolution layer from dimensions.

  • Parameters:
    • edge_dims (list*[int]*) – Edge dimensions.
    • node_dims (list*[int]*) – Node dimensions.
    • state_dims (list*[int]*) – State dimensions.
    • activation (Module) – Activation function.
  • Returns: MEGNet graph convolution layer.
  • Return type: MEGNetGraphConv

node_update_(graph: DGLGraph)

Perform node update.

  • Parameters: graph – Input graph
  • Returns: Output tensor for nodes.

state_update_(graph: DGLGraph, state_attrs: Tensor)

Perform attribute (global state) update.

  • Parameters:
    • graph – Input graph
    • state_attrs – Input attributes
  • Returns: Output tensor for attributes

matgl.layers._readout module

Readout layer for M3GNet.

class matgl.layers._readout.ReduceReadOut(op: str = ‘mean’, field: Literal[‘node_feat’, ‘edge_feat’] = ‘node_feat’)

Bases: Module

Reduce atom or bond attributes into lower dimensional tensors as readout. This could be summing up the atoms or bonds, or taking the mean, etc.

  • Parameters:
    • op (str) – op for the reduction
    • field (str) – Field of graph to perform the reduction.

forward(g: DGLGraph)

  • Parameters: g – DGL graph.
  • Returns: torch.tensor.

class matgl.layers._readout.Set2SetReadOut(in_feats: int, n_iters: int, n_layers: int, field: Literal[‘node_feat’, ‘edge_feat’])

Bases: Module

The Set2Set readout function.

  • Parameters:
    • in_feats (int) – length of input feature vector
    • n_iters (int) – Number of LSTM steps
    • n_layers (int) – Number of layers.
    • field (str) – Field of graph to perform the readout.

forward(g: DGLGraph)

Defines the computation performed at every call.

Should be overridden by all subclasses.


Although the recipe for forward pass needs to be defined within this function, one should call the Module instance afterwards instead of this since the former takes care of running the registered hooks while the latter silently ignores them.

class matgl.layers._readout.WeightedReadOut(in_feats: int, dims: list[int], num_targets: int)

Bases: Module

Feed node features into Gated MLP as readout.

  • Parameters:
    • in_feats – input features (nodes)
    • dims – NN architecture for Gated MLP
    • num_targets – number of target properties.

forward(g: DGLGraph)

  • Parameters: g – DGL graph.
  • Returns: torch.Tensor.
  • Return type: atomic_properties

class matgl.layers._readout.WeightedReadOutPair(in_feats, dims, num_targets, activation=None)

Bases: Module

Feed the average of atomic features i and j into weighted readout layer.

Initializes internal Module state, shared by both nn.Module and ScriptModule.

forward(g: DGLGraph)

Defines the computation performed at every call.

Should be overridden by all subclasses.


Although the recipe for forward pass needs to be defined within this function, one should call the Module instance afterwards instead of this since the former takes care of running the registered hooks while the latter silently ignores them.

matgl.layers._three_body module

Three-Body interaction implementations.

class matgl.layers._three_body.ThreeBodyInteractions(update_network_atom: Module, update_network_bond: Module, **kwargs)

Bases: Module

Include 3D interactions to the bond update.

Init ThreeBodyInteractions.

  • Parameters:
    • update_network_atom – MLP for node features in Eq.2
    • update_network_bond – Gated-MLP for edge features in Eq.3
    • **kwargs – Kwargs pass-through to nn.Module._init_().

forward(graph: dgl.DGLGraph, line_graph: dgl.DGLGraph, three_basis: torch.Tensor, three_cutoff: float, node_feat: torch.Tensor, edge_feat: torch.Tensor)

Forward function for ThreeBodyInteractions.

  • Parameters:
    • graph – dgl graph
    • line_graph – line graph.
    • three_basis – three body basis expansion
    • three_cutoff – cutoff radius
    • node_feat – node features
    • edge_feat – edge features.

matgl.layers._three_body.combine_sbf_shf(sbf, shf, max_n: int, max_l: int, use_phi: bool)

Combine the spherical Bessel function and the spherical Harmonics function.

For the spherical Bessel function, the column is ordered by
[n=[0, …, max_n-1], n=[0, …, max_n-1], …], max_l blocks,
For the spherical Harmonics function, the column is ordered by
[m=[0], m=[-1, 0, 1], m=[-2, -1, 0, 1, 2], …] max_l blocks, and each block has 2*l + 1 if use_phi is False, then the columns become [m=[0], m=[0], …] max_l columns
  • Parameters:
    • sbf – torch.Tensor spherical bessel function results
    • shf – torch.Tensor spherical harmonics function results
    • max_n – int, max number of n
    • max_l – int, max number of l
    • use_phi – whether to use phi


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