matgl.graph package

Package for creating and manipulating graphs.

matgl.graph.compute module

Computing various graph based operations.

matgl.graph.compute.compute_3body(g: DGLGraph)

Calculate the three body indices from pair atom indices.

  • Parameters: g – DGL graph
  • Returns: DGL graph containing three body information from graph triple_bond_indices (np.ndarray): bond indices that form three-body n_triple_ij (np.ndarray): number of three-body angles for each bond n_triple_i (np.ndarray): number of three-body angles each atom n_triple_s (np.ndarray): number of three-body angles for each structure
  • Return type: l_g

matgl.graph.compute.compute_pair_vector_and_distance(g: DGLGraph)

Calculate bond vectors and distances using dgl graphs.

Args: g: DGL graph

Returns: bond_vec (torch.tensor): bond distance between two atoms bond_dist (torch.tensor): vector from src node to dst node

matgl.graph.compute.compute_theta(edges: EdgeBatch, cosine: bool = False)

User defined dgl function to calculate bond angles from edges in a graph.

  • Parameters:
    • edges – DGL graph edges
    • cosine – Whether to return the cosine of the angle or the angle itself
  • Returns: Dictionary containing bond angles and distances
  • Return type: dict[str, torch.Tensor]

matgl.graph.compute.compute_theta_and_phi(edges: EdgeBatch)

Calculate bond angle Theta and Phi using dgl graphs.

Args: edges: DGL graph edges

Returns: cos_theta: torch.Tensor phi: torch.Tensor triple_bond_lengths (torch.tensor):

matgl.graph.compute.create_line_graph(g: DGLGraph, threebody_cutoff: float)

Calculate the three body indices from pair atom indices.

  • Parameters:
    • g – DGL graph
    • threebody_cutoff (float) – cutoff for three-body interactions
  • Returns: DGL graph containing three body information from graph
  • Return type: l_g

matgl.graph.converters module

Tools to convert materials representations from Pymatgen and other codes to DGLGraphs.

class matgl.graph.converters.GraphConverter

Bases: object

Abstract base class for converters from input crystals/molecules to graphs.

abstract get_graph(structure)

Args: structure: Input crystals or molecule.

Returns: DGLGraph object, state_attr

get_graph_from_processed_structure(structure, src_id, dst_id, images, lattice_matrix, element_types, cart_coords)

Construct a dgl graph from processed structure and bond information.

  • Parameters:
    • structure – Input crystals or molecule of pymatgen structure or molecule types.
    • src_id – site indices for starting point of bonds.
    • dst_id – site indices for destination point of bonds.
    • images – the periodic image offsets for the bonds.
    • lattice_matrix – lattice information of the structure.
    • element_types – Element symbols of all atoms in the structure.
    • cart_coords – Cartisian coordinates of all atoms in the structure.
  • Returns: DGLGraph object, state_attr module

Tools to construct a dataset of DGL graphs.

class GraphConverter, threebody_cutoff: float, structures: list, energies: list | None = None, forces: list | None = None, stresses: list | None = None, labels: list | None = None, name=’M3GNETDataset’, label_name: str | None = None, graph_labels: list | None = None)

Bases: DGLDataset

Create a dataset including dgl graphs.

  • Parameters:
    • converter – dgl graph converter
    • threebody_cutoff – cutoff for three body
    • structures – Pymatgen structure
    • energies – Target energies
    • forces – Target forces
    • stresses – Target stresses
    • labels – target properties
    • name – name of dataset
    • label_name – name of target properties
    • graph_labels – state attributes.

has_cache(filename: str = ‘dgl_graph.bin’)

Check if the dgl_graph.bin exists or not :param : filename: Name of file storing dgl graphs

Returns: True if file exists.

load(filename: str = ‘dgl_graph.bin’, filename_line_graph: str = ‘dgl_line_graph.bin’, filename_state_attr: str = ‘’)

Load dgl graphs from files.

  • Parameters:
    • filename – Name of file storing dgl graphs
    • filename_line_graph – Name of file storing dgl line graphs
    • filename_state_attr – Name of file storing state attrs.


Convert Pymatgen structure into dgl graphs.

save(filename: str = ‘dgl_graph.bin’, filename_line_graph: str = ‘dgl_line_graph.bin’, filename_state_attr: str = ‘’)

Save dgl graphs Args: :filename: Name of file storing dgl graphs :filename_state_attr: Name of file storing graph attrs.

class list, labels: list, label_name: str, converter: GraphConverter, initial: float = 0.0, final: float = 5.0, num_centers: int = 100, width: float = 0.5, name: str = ‘MEGNETDataset’, graph_labels: list | None = None)

Bases: DGLDataset

Create a dataset including dgl graphs.

  • Parameters:
    • structures – Pymatgen structure
    • labels – property values
    • label_name – label name
    • converter – Transformer for converting structures to DGL graphs, e.g., Pmg2Graph.
    • initial – initial distance for Gaussian expansions
    • final – final distance for Gaussian expansions
    • num_centers – number of Gaussian functions
    • width – width of Gaussian functions
    • name – Name of dataset
    • graph_labels – graph attributes either integers and floating point numbers.

has_cache(filename: str = ‘dgl_graph.bin’)

Check if the dgl_graph.bin exists or not :param : filename: Name of file storing dgl graphs

Returns: True if file exists.

load(filename: str = ‘dgl_graph.bin’, filename_state_attr: str = ‘’)

Load dgl graphs Args: :filename: Name of file storing dgl graphs :filename: Name of file storing state attrs.


Convert Pymatgen structure into dgl graphs.

save(filename: str = ‘dgl_graph.bin’, filename_state_attr: str = ‘’)

Save dgl graphs Args: :filename: Name of file storing dgl graphs :filename_state_attr: Name of file storing graph attrs. Subset, val_data: Subset, collate_fn: Callable, batch_size: int, num_workers: int, use_ddp: bool = False, pin_memory: bool = False, test_data: Subset | None = None, generator: Generator | None = None)

Dataloader for MEGNet training.

  • Parameters:
    • train_data ( – Training dataset.
    • val_data ( – Validation dataset.
    • collate_fn (Callable) – Collate function.
    • batch_size (int) – Batch size.
    • num_workers (int) – Number of workers.
    • use_ddp (bool*,* optional) – Whether to use DDP. Defaults to False.
    • pin_memory (bool*,* optional) – Whether to pin memory. Defaults to False.
    • test_data ( * * None*,* optional) – Test dataset. Defaults to None.
    • generator (torch.Generator * * None*,* optional) – Random number generator. Defaults to None.
  • Returns:
    Train, validation and test data loaders. Test data
    loader is None if test_data is None.
  • Return type: tuple[GraphDataLoader, …], include_line_graph: bool = False)

Merge a list of dgl graphs to form a batch.

Merge a list of dgl graphs to form a batch.

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